It is recommended to use the PainChek® app in a well-lit indoor environment that allows accurate observation of the person whose pain level you want to assess. If possible, complete the assessment in the residents room to minimise distractions (including background noise) from other residents.
You need to complete the steps described below to successfully conduct a pain assessment.
1. Find the resident you would like to conduct an assessment on and tap the Resident to go into their profile.
2. Tap Assess Pain button
3. You may at this stage be asked what sort of assessment you want to perform - PainChek or Numerical Rating Scale (Self-Report). Select the PainChek option and press Next
This form will only appear if your PainChek license has been configured to support Numerical Rating Scale (Self-Report) assessments. If that option is not enabled on your license, a PainChek assessment is assumed and this form is skipped.
4. The new assessment screen will be displayed. Review the resident’s Activity Status to and tap on the appropriate assessment timing (At Rest or Post Movement) and then press NEXT:
1. The Facial analysis defaults to Video, which is what we require or an automated PainChek video assessment
2.The NEXT button is only enabled once you have selected At Rest or Post Movement
3. In the screenshot above, the user has selected the At Rest timing option
5. The Face domain: The camera is turned on and the image being seen by the camera is displayed:
1. You can swap between the external camera and the selfie camera by pressing on the camera icon on the top right of the form
2. If this is the first time you are using PainChek on this device, you will be asked to give the PainChek app access to the camera on your device
6. Focus on the resident's face using the smart-device camera. When the face is detected the screen will become active and the Start Analysis button will turn green.
Press on Start Analysis to commence a 3-second video facial analysis.
If the video facial analysis fails, you will see a dialog prompting you with three options:
1. Retry - Retry a video facial analysis. It is recommended that you should always retry at least once.
2. Manual - Continue on with the assessment, but performing a manual facial assessment
3. Cancel - Abandon the assessment
7. Once the analysis is successfully completed (or if the analysis fails and the user chooses the manual option) The Face domain form is displayed.
1. If the video facial analysis was successful, the facial expressions detected will be automatically checked and all of the 9 facial features are locked
2. If the video facial analysis was unsuccessful and the Manual option was chosen, whilst observing the resident’s face "Check" those facial expressions the resident is exhibiting. Be certain to observe the resident brow, eyes, nose, cheeks and mouth. Refer to the Clinical Guide for Identifying PainChek Assessment Facial Features for details on how to assess the facial domain descriptors.
3. You can also type in additional remarks
4. Swipe left to go to the next domain (Voice)
5. In the screenshot above, no face items were detected during the video analysis