Your User access level may be restricted from performing this function. Please see User Roles for more information.
Once your PainChek® User Account has been created you will receive an activation email. Click on ACTIVATE YOUR ACCOUNT to be taken to the activation page where you can set up your password.
Once you have activated your User Account, you enter the email address you used to register in the Username field and click on NEXT.
In the next screen, enter your password and click on SIGN IN.
Once you have entered your email and password correctly, you will be signed into the PainChek® Portal.
For security reasons, you are automatically signed out after 30 minutes of inactivity. You can, however, select the Keep me signed in option on the sign-in form to remain signed in indefinitely.
For security reasons, your PainChek® User Account will be locked after three successive incorrect entries of your username and password (this may not apply to Single Sign On). If your User Account has been locked it will be automatically unlocked after 20 minutes.
If you need this unlocked earlier, please contact a PainChek® Administrator for your organisation or contact the PainChek Support team.
If you have been provided with a username, company ID and password to sign in, enter your username@companyID in the Username field and click on NEXT.
For example, if a username is "jsmith" and a company ID is "painchek", the complete entry would be "jsmith@painchek".
In the next screen, enter the password that was provided to you by your PainChek® Administrator and click SIGN IN:
Once you have entered your email and password correctly, you will be signed into the PainChek® Portal and see the Signing Out.
For security reasons, you are automatically signed out after 30 minutes of inactivity. You can, however, select the Keep me signed in option on the sign-in form to remain signed in indefinitely.
For security reasons, your PainChek® User Account will be locked after three successive incorrect entries of your username and password (this may not apply to Single Sign On). If your User Account has been locked it will be automatically unlocked after 20 minutes.
If you need this unlocked earlier, please contact a PainChek® Administrator for your organisation or contact the PainChek Support team.
If your organization has an SSO solution in place (that lets you use one set of credentials to sign into multiple systems, including PainChek®), you must use the credentials provided by your organization to sign-in to the PainChek® Portal. The PainChek® Portal will recognise that your organization domain (example, has set up SSO and will redirect you to the appropriate SSO platform for you to sign in:
Sign in using your SSO username and password to access the PainChek® Portal.
Once you have successfully signed in to the PainChek Portal, you will be taken to the PainChek Portal Home Page:
The Home Page has basic Analytic (more detailed Analytics can be found in Analytics), quick links for our support and training websites as well as key links to common functions of the PainChek Portal.