Term |
Description |
Informational note. The information marked with this icon is complementary to the information displayed on the page. |
Warning note. The information marked with this icon is crucial to understanding the content on this page. |
Account |
An account provides access to the PainChek® App. |
Account Settings |
Account Settings change the available functionalities of the PainChek® App. An Account Setting can be applied on a User level (eg. Create a Resident, View Comments) or an Account level (eg. Site Segregation, Quick Sign In, Labeling). |
Activity Domain |
The Activity Domain has 4 features. Resisting Care, Prolonged Resting, Altered Sleep Cycle and Altered Routines. |
Administrator |
A person who has access to all of the functionality available in the PainChek® App and PainChek® Portal, including full user and resident management. |
Apple App Store |
Used to download and install apps on iOS devices. |
Assessment |
The process used to identify Pain. Can be conducted through either a PainChek® Pain Assessment (utilising video or manual analysis for the Face domain) or an NRS (Numeric Rating Scale) Self-Report Assessment. |
Behaviour Domain |
The Behaviour Domain has 7 features. They are: Introvert, Verbally Offensive, Aggressive, Fear or Extreme Dislike of Touch/People, Inappropriate Behaviour, Confused and Distressed. |
Body Domain |
The Body Domain has 6 features. They are: Profuse Sweating, Pale/Flushed (Red Faced), Feverish/Cold, Rapid Breathing, Painful Injuries and Painful Medical Conditions. |
Device |
A supported Apple or Android phone, tablet or similar device running the PainChek® App. |
Domain |
One of 6 subsets of the 42 pain related features which are assessed using the PainChek® App. The 6 domains are: “The Face”, “The Voice”, “The Movement”, “The Behaviour”, “The Activity”, “The Body”. The domains are evaluated in the order they are listed here. |
External Integrated Clinical System |
A third-party system that exchanges data with the PainChek® System. This typically involves Resident data being sent to the PainChek® System and Assessment data being sent from the PainChek® System. |
Face Domain |
The Face Domain has 9 features. They are: Brow Lowering (AU4), Cheek Raising (AU6) , Tightening of Eyelids (AU7), Wrinkling of Nose (AU9), Raising of Upper Lip (AU10), Pulling at Corner Lip (AU12), Horizontal Mouth Stretch (AU20), Parting Lip (AU25) and Closing Eyes (AU43). |
Facility |
Nursing home. |
Feature |
A term given to a visible or audible pain related behaviour, symptom or condition which is included in PainChek® pain assessment tool. |
Google Play Store |
Used to download and install apps on Android devices. |
Manual Facial Analysis |
Assessment of a resident where the trained PainChek® user observes which of the 9 features in "The Face" domain” are present or absent and manually documents them using an in-app digital checklist. |
Movement Domain |
The Movement Domain has 7 features. They are: Altered or Random Leg/Arm Movement, Restlessness, Freezing, Guarding/Touching Body Part, Moving Away, Abnormal Sitting/Standing/Walking and Pacing/Wandering. |
NRS Self-Report |
Numeric Rating Scale Self-Assessments are Assessments used to monitor Pain in Residents who are able to verbalise their pain. The Resident is asked to score their Pain on a scale of 0 to 10. |
Pain Level |
The 4 possible pain level ratings output by the Assessment. These are 'No Pain', 'Mild Pain', 'Moderate Pain', and 'Severe Pain'. These are mapped to the Pain Scale. |
Pain Score |
Numerical score between 0 and 42, which represents the number of pain features displayed by person being assessed. Pain scores are mapped to Pain Levels. |
PainChek® Adult |
A system intended to assess pain in residents with moderate to severe dementia living in nursing homes. The major components of the system are the PainChek® App, the PainChek® Portal, the PainChek® API and the PainChek® Database. |
PainChek® API |
The PainChek® API (Application Programming Interface) provides the means for the PainChek® App and PainChek® Portal to access the PainChek® Database in a secure, authenticated and controlled manner. It is also possible to grant third parties access to the API to enable PainChek® to be integrated with an External Integrated Clinical System. |
PainChek® App |
An iOS or Android App that runs on a device that enables a user to perform pain assessments and other PainChek® Adult functions. The app is also referred to as the PainChek® Adult App and was formally known as the PainChek® Mobile App. |
PainChek® Database |
The technical infrastructure which stores and manages the PainChek® System data. |
PainChek® Portal |
A website that allows a user to perform administration functions of the PainChek® System. The PainChek® Portal can be accessed using any modern web browser. The PainChek® Portal was formerly known as Web Admin Portal or WAP. |
PainChek® System |
See PainChek® Adult. |
Therapeutic Goods Administration (https://www.tga.gov.au/tga-basics). |
Quick Sign In |
Quick Sign In allows you to sign into the PainChek® App using just a 4 digit PIN. It also allows you to sign in to the PainChek® App while offline. |
Regular Sign In |
Signing in with your username and password. You will need to be online to do a Regular Sign In. |
Resident |
A resident of a nursing home, on whom the PainChek® App may be used on to conduct a pain assessment. |
User |
A person using the PainChek® App and PainChek® Portal to conduct pain assessments and manage residents. Users have limited access to the functionality available in the PainChek® App and PainChek® Portal. |
Video Facial Analysis |
Assessment of a Resident where the PainChek® App automatically evaluates which of the 9 features in "The Face" domain” are present or absent using the in-app facial recognition and analysis functionality. |
Voice Domain |
The Voice Domain has 9 features. They are: Noisy Pain Sounds, Requesting Help Frequently, Groaning, Moaning, Crying, Screaming, Loud Talk, Howling and Sighing. |