These instructions only apply if you are using an email address to sign into PainChek® (which is the most common way to sign into PainChek®). If your organization uses Single Sign On (SSO) or uses a Company ID and User Name to sign into PainChek®, you will need to use the password reset process your organization has set up for you.
1. If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it on the sign in page by tapping FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD on the PainChek® App's sign in page:
2. Then enter the email address you use to sign in to the email field:
3. Once you tap OK a reset password link will be sent to your email inbox.
The link will redirect you to a web page where you can set your password by entering your new password twice.
The password must match the rules configured in you Account Settings, but it is typically at least eight alpha-numeric characters and cannot be the same as your previous password.
If you did not request this change and you suspect that your account has been compromised, please contact the PainChek® Support Team.